Clinic and Urgent Care Addition, John J. Pershing Medical Center
Poplar Bluff, MO
Innovative Engineering Inc. (IEI) provided design development level physical security design for the single story (with future second story), approximately 9,000 sf steel framed Urgent Care Addition at the VA Poplar Bluff in Missouri.
Project Details
The original scope of physical security design included blast and progressive collapse design in accordance with the VA Physical Security Design Manual for Mission Critical Facilities. Using a holistic approach, the project site was first reviewed for compliance with required standoff distances to parking and access control to no parking areas. Next the building super structure and envelope elements were conceptually designed for blast via non-linear dynamic analysis and coordinated with the design team for incorporation into the design development documents. Additionally, the building super structure was conceptually designed for progressive collapse resistance using the Tie-Force method. During the design development phase, the VA provided a waiver for removal of these blast and progressive collapse criterion which were under design. IEI assisted the design team in navigating and providing insight into the ramifications these criterion changes would have on the project. The facility is expected to be completed in 2020.